Blog Entry #1- Feelings, About Me and Other Things!

I'm excited about this semester and this class. The first class peaked my interest in something that I did not think I was all that interested in. I am enthusiastic about learning the course material for this semester and acquiring a new skill that I may be able to use later on in my life and possibly in my career.
My full name is Allyson, but I have never in my life gone by Allyson. It has always been Ally against the wishes of my mother who for some reason has always adored the name Allyson. I am eighteen years old but I turn nineteen in early September. If I could describe myself I would say that I am definitely outgoing and love people a lot. I like to make connections with people and I like to find things that draw seemingly different people together. I am loud, some people tell me that I am too loud, which I don't think is a real thing. I like to swim, I swam on a competition team for eight or nine years, so swimming is definitely something that is close to my heart. Other than that I am a really laid back person and I like to listen to music and attend concerts with my close friends.
This semester I am excited to learn a new skill, though I am not entirely sure how it could possibly connect with my potential future career as a writer.


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